PERSONAL: I want to be in a pool right now!

O quanto eu dava para estar numa piscina agora! Por enquanto tenho de estudar, a época de exames está aí... Esta foto já tem uns anitos, mas tenho muito boas lembranças deste dia. É sempre bom recordar! 

What I'd give to be in a pool right now! For now, I have to study, the exams are just around the corner... This picture was taken some years ago, but I have great memories from that day. It's always good to remember!

4 comentários:

  1. adorava ir estudar para o porto, é essa a minha expectativa :)e obrigada!

  2. Omg I want that tooooo!! But I have to study too :( :( It's especially hard because summer decided to finally come around, and I hate being inside then (but I can't study outside haha I would be looking around the whole time). But we can do it!!!! Just a few more weeks and we can enjoy summer :) Lovely picture, I'm going to imagine it was me hahah :p Good luck!


  3. Oh gosh, I can't even remember the last time I was in a pool! Miss it!!
    xo TJ
